
Establishing linkages with other projects, initiatives and ICT PSP joint working groups is considered as one of the most important components of the production planning strategy, as well as one of the crucial factors that influence on the sustainability of the project and exploitation of the project results.

The participation of i-SCOPE in clustering activities has been promoted to facilitate exchange and sharing of project results belonging to the ICT PSP project portfolio. The aim is to foster mutual cooperation among projects in order to harmonize policies and technologies across different projects and to maximize the impact of the projects involved. Some of the main objectives of these clustering activities are to ensure creation of close ties with other ICT PSP  projects belonging to the smart cities portfolio, to enlarge networking capacity of the community of stakeholders by linking a larger number of city administrations involved in other ICT PSP projects, to verify that all requirements and other results are handled successfully and efficiently and that they fulfill the overall goals of the ICT PSP framework. Furthermore, clustering activities are tending to maximize sharing of knowledge among partners, awareness through joint openness activities and facilitate exchange of best practices among different stakeholders.

In order to exchange technology, scientific achievements, best practices and to share knowledge, the i-SCOPE has established liaisons with the following projects:

  • c-Space (An affordable tool to turn the space surrounding us into a creative experience)
  • smeSpire (A European Community of SMEs build on environmental digital content and languages)
  • SUNSHINE (Smart UrbaN Services for Higher eNergy Efficiency)
  • BRISEIDE (Bridging services, information and data for Europe)
  • EFFESUS (Energy Efficiency for EU Historic Districts' Sustainability)
  • LIFE+Imagine
  • eENVplus (eEnvironmental services for advanced applications within INSPIRE)
  • Cart-ASUR (Représentations Cartographiques de la qualité des Ambiances Sonores Urbaines)
  • BrusSense (BrusSense - Community memories for sustainable urban living)
  • CCIC (Complex Challenges Innovative Cities)
  • SimStadt
  • TR 36035 (Spatial, environmental, energy and social aspects of developing settlements and climate change - mutual impacts)
  • Smart-Islands (Smart web services for Mediterranean Islands)


The purpose and the outcomes of the i-SCOPE have also been presented during the workshops and relevant events covered by other projects in order to increase the stakeholders' community and to exchange the knowledge and expertise:

  • SLOPE (Integrated proceSsing and controL systems fOr sustainable forest Production in mountain arEas)
  • i-Tour (Intelligent transport system for optimized urban trips)
  • HLanData (Harmonization of European land use and land cover databases for the creation of value added services)
  • AccessibleMap (Web-based maps for partially sighted people)
  • OBSERVE (Strengthening and development of Earth Observation activities for the Environment in the Balkan area)
  • Vienna Charta
  • Argus (Assisting personal guidance system for people with visual impairment)
  • NiCE (Networking Intelligent Cities for Energy Efficiency)
  • RES for a brighter future
  • REPUBLIC MED (REtrofitting PUBLic spaces in Intelligent MEDiterranean Cities)
  • eEnviPer (Environmental Permits for the 21st Century)
  • SECONOMICS (Socio-economics meets Security)
  • PHYLAWS (PHYsical LAyer Wireless Security)